5 Ways to Maximize SEO and Social Media for Home Care Marketing
September 20, 2022

5 Ways to Maximize SEO and Social Media for Home Care Marketing

It seems you can’t blink without something in the cyber sphere changing. Ways for you to communicate about your home care services are growing by leaps and bounds. Making your SEO and Social Media work for you has become nothing less than essential.

Factoid: 90% of all families research potential home care agencies online. Using effective SEO practices, you improve your ranking so prospective customers can see you.

Like any other industry, you want to create organic traffic. In the process, the goal is to attract both customers and staff to your company. We at Curis Digital do ongoing due-diligence research in making our marketing recommendations.

1) SEO

Search Engine Optimization is a fundamental marketing channel. While families seek you out, so do potential staff. So, by being clever with your SEO, you can kill two proverbial birds with one stone. You can also design your copy so that it reflects your branding.

2) Knowing Who is Your Customer

In order for SEO to work, you really need to know your target customer. The typical Google search in the Homecare industry is for seniors or their adult children helping with a difficult transition phase in their loved one’s life. What are these people’s needs and goals? Keep your content evergreen and relevant, and you are two steps ahead of many websites.

This is where actionable content comes to the fore. Think active words that inspire not only a response for your services but also encourage people to share your site. Every single piece you write must be sharable to achieve success.

3) Wrangling with Keywords

Anyone who has ever searched for ANYTHING on the web knows that you’ll often get anything but the information for which you were hoping. The internet is disorganized, so it’s necessary to find those perfect keywords to grab attention. Tap into the bloodline of searches. Example search terms include: 

  • Caregivers
  • Home Health Care Services
  • Home Health Aides
  • Best At-Home Personal Help Providers
  • Vet Home Health Care Programs
  • Hospice
  • Find Caregivers Near Me
  • In-Home Therapy (physical, occupational, speech)
  • Alzheimer’s
  • Senior Care

Now you have to add more information, specifically in what county or city do you operate? Folks are going to want a local contact. And don’t forget internal linking. These help Google find all the pages within your website. Effectively you’re saying, “hey, Google, look at me!”

5 Ways to Maximize SEO and Social Media for Home Care Marketing

4) Using Off-Site SEO

At Curis Digital, we’ve run into home care agencies who know nothing of off-site SEO. In this case, you’re getting other respected websites linking back to yours. Off-site SEO is like a letter of reference, showing the owners of that site value yours. In turn, Google lifts your results. One way of beginning off-site SEO is by guest blogging a piece with links to your home page.

5) The Curis Digital Difference

As you can see, there are a lot of moving parts in maximizing your SEO and social media presence. There are numerous things to which you must direct your attention in your home care agency. Fuddling with SEO isn’t likely at the top of your list. That’s where we can help. We continually analyze the results from the websites we manage so you always know what type of input’s required for success. You always remain an active participant and voice, guiding what you want to tell your potential clients.

Reach out using our online contact form or call one of our two offices:

Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006
(215) 396-3307

Boca Raton, FL 33487
(561) 464-6689
